About me

Hi! I'm Oisín Quinn. I’m a front-end software engineer living out in the countryside of Cavan in rural Ireland. I currently work remotely for HubSpot, where I build various things™ in React and TypeScript.

I've tried my hand at a lot of different tech over the past few years, but I'm a big fan of JavaScript and front-end software development (especially React). I grew up as a kid always on the internet, writing blog posts about all the latest Club Penguin tips and tricks and tweeting way before I should've been. I was amazed at how easy it was to create something as complex as a website, and easily build something that people could start using straight-away.
Since then, I've grown a lot taller, grown a beard and completed a computer science degree. I've finally got the skills to turn my ideas into something that people can actually use, which is a really liberating feeling! In the past two years I've fallen in love with web development again – there's just something so cool about building software that can run in the web browser of billions of devices worldwide. Also I just think JavaScript is the best (sorry).
I also love music! I listen to a lot of it, sometimes write about it and once had a student radio show talking about it. I'm really interested in the overlap between music and tech, which is something I really want to play with more in the future.
Some things I've made

dBikes Planner
A journey planning system for the dublinbikes bike sharing scheme
Read the retrospective blog post

javascript is good, actually
A lightning talk I gave at ShortStack conference highlighting what I love about JavaScript.
Watch my talk and slides
A radio show I hosted for three years, highlighting my favourite albums
Listen to the podcast